Saturday 30 March 2013

Personal Log, Earthdate 2013-3-30

Easter's around the corner! Or already here if you're in any time zone East of me. Make sure to get to bed early so you can get to church without passing out halfway through. Which basically means I hope no one reads this until noon tomorrow :P

Played Dota 2 today and actually didn't suck. Most of the games were as Windrunner, but I ended it off by playing Ashe Drow Ranger. My Windrunner games were... okay (had at least a couple fairly nice plays), but dang, my Drow Ranger game was kind of awesome. I had 10+ kills and only 2 deaths, plus a ton of assists. Might finally be getting the hang of the game. Also, I got a rare item for Sniper as my first item from the game, and ended up with 3 uncommons for it by trading with clan mates. Whoop!

Also played more Dirt 3, that game continues to be quite fun. Found a couple of amazing multiplayer modes. BrownSound, King, Goldfish and I all played a Capture the Flag-ish type game and Outbreak, which is sorta like Infection from Halo. The CTF game has a flag randomly spawn in the area, and whoever can grab it and bring it back to the capture point - which changes as well - gets a point. If you hit the person with the flag, YOU get the flag. Chaos ensues. Outbreak randomly chooses a player to become the Zombie after 5 seconds. Whoever they hit becomes a zombie, until either the timer runs out or everyone is a zombie. Converting zombies is worth a point or two, not being tagged gives a point, and I think 10 points if you survive until time runs out. Something like that, but it's absolutely awesome fun, and I recorded gameplay for both modes, so I hope to get that up some time tomorrow, unless I'm too busy with Easter stuff.

Oh, and I must note - although it has little to do with video games - that the continuation of Series 7 of Doctor Who started today! "The Bells of Saint John" kicked things off this Saturday, with The Doctor finally finding the third incarnation of Clara Oswald. Things, of course, get weird from there. I missed you Doctor, glad to see you're back.

Aside from that, I didn't do much today. Watched Curse vs Dignitas in the LCS NA championship, with Curse getting an early lead on Dignitas and keeping it going the whole way through. Dignitas put up a good fight, but couldn't get ahead. Fun game to watch. And finally, my Easter eggs are decorated with the Profession symbols from Guild Wars 2! I'm not much of an artist, so some of them look kinda lame. And I didn't have quite all the right colours, so some of them aren't quite right. But I did the best I could okay! Gosh...

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