Thursday 14 March 2013

Personal Log, Earthdate 2013-3-14

Well, I decided to re-render Part 4 of Tomb Raider. Unfortunately, I decided on this far too late and because my video card apparently doesn't work with Sony Vegas, it's taking a very long time to finish. This means I will not be uploading Part 4 tonight. I would've provided you with a Sonic Generations speed run instead, but apparently I also forgot to render that. So sadly, there will be no new videos tonight. Sorry, but expect it to happen now and then. In fact, I may cut down to only three uploads during the next work week. I'll try to get two up over the weekend though.

One thing I forgot to mention the other day was that I finally got to try a real game of Blood Bowl. I bought it while it was on a Steam sale and another friend of mine bought it. Sadly, the game is complicated as all hell and so I didn't so much as "play" it as "stumble through it horribly and impale myself on a pointy object". I think we - that is, the aforementioned friend who had also bought it and I - got like, 6 turns in each before we decided to call it off because I had made so many mistakes it just wasn't even fun for either side. Since I spent money on it and all, I'd like to go back to it, but man... it's just so hard to get into. Bleh. Maybe this weekend. Maybe I can make a fail-tage out of it. (That would be a montage full of fails, FYI).

Aside from that, I really didn't do much today. Played a bot game of LoL (Akali vs Bots is hilariously awesome), did math homework... oh! Right. I played a number of rounds in Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. I'd bought the Paragon Lost Blu-Ray awhile ago. It was a pretty cool movie. Not amazing, but cool. It gave a good background to Vega, that's for sure. Don't think anything quite as tragic happens to Shepard in the entire length of the trilogy. It's pretty rough. Anyway, it came with a code for Multiplayer, and someone at school was going to go play MP, and I figured I'd join him. We had a very odd glitch in that our total ammo counters were not there, and occasionally our guns would fire one to three times and then suddenly require a reload. It wasn't until I got home was I able to input the code, and sadly I didn't really get anything out of it. Maybe the 5th level upgrade to a weapon attachment. Eh. Played a few more rounds with a clanmate, }SoC{BrownSound (no, not named after the poop thing), and we ripped it up pretty good. I should play more of that. Also Halo 4's War Games. Ugh, so many games to play, so little time.

Anyway, I was hoping to hammer out a bit more story for my Game Design class' assignment (a Choose Your Own Adventure type game/story/book/web site), so I'm keeping this one short. Night!

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