Saturday, 30 March 2013

Personal Log, Earthdate 2013-03-30

Ten days... I'm so ashamed. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I haven't been able to record any new LP footage for anything, and have been too lazy to edit up my War Thunder video for Adventures in Gaming. Also, YouTube has decided that my Tomb Raider Part 4 video breaks some kind of copyright, which if I upload it, restricts me to 15 minute videos! Whoo! So yeah, I want to finish the War Thunder video, then upload another Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed video, and then I'll upload Part 4 again and try and get that worked out. In the meantime, I activated Part 5, which you can watch by clicking that there link.

So, what have I been up to... well, I had a story-writing assignment due this last week, plus some other school stuff, so that's been keeping me busy. For the first time ever I brought my GameBoy to school and traded Pokemon with someone. He was replaying FireRed, and I have LeafGreen, so, y'know, that was a thing that was cool. Turns out I have... I think it's 132/150 of the original 150 Pokemon (I'm not counting Mew, because he's a special event dude that's practically impossible to get) from Red/Blue/Yellow (or LeafGreen/FireRed in this case). This is the closest I have ever come to completing the Pokedex in my history across all the Pokemon games. If I can get all 150, it could be the greatest achievement in my gaming history.

Secondly, I bought/played/finish Bioshock Infinite! I was gonna LP it, but I ended up getting so addicted I played it at school on my laptop and blew through the whole thing in like... 4 days? I think I beat it Thursday night (it's Friday... oh wait, I passed midnight, I guess it's Saturday. THE LOG DATE IS FRIDAY!). Anyway, I enjoyed the game immensely, which is nice, because I wasn't blown away by the first - or at least what I've played so far, which you can watch for yourself on my YT channel. I guess about halfway through the game gets really interesting, so I should sit down and play that some more. Elizabeth was awesome as both a written character and a gameplay partner. The times I'd get low on something and sometimes not even realize it, and she'd just already have what I need waiting... man, she's just awesome. The game was pretty great all the way through... right up until the end. The beginning of the end was sweet, with a cool thing happening that I won't spoil. Then it just kinda tumbled down this mindscrew hole until it landed face first into a shallow pool. I wasn't a fan of the ending. It wasn't a... "bad" ending. I didn't see it coming at all, although I've heard others say they did, and that there was clues, but I didn't see it at all. It felt like it was kind of a rip-off I guess? I dunno. It wasn't the ending that I wanted. I'm interested in any story-based DLC they might release though. But yeah, you should go play that.

Next, Riot has released both the Karma rework and Zac to League of Legends! I haven't tried Zac yet, since I tend not to jungle, or even play top, but I tested Karma out in a couple games and she's pretty cool. I miss the heal, but I only ever played old Karma once kinda by accident. I also got the Mafia Miss Fortune skin since it was on sale at the time of this posting

I also recently bought Katarina, deciding I wanted to see if I could actually play her now despite my horribly horrible games I experienced with her during a free week. I proceeded to pwn some face and decided she was awesome. A friend of mine was actually spectating that and decided to gift me with the Sandstorm skin for doing so well. Continue being awesome Q.

And finally I bought Dirt 3 (Or is it DiRT3?) because a bunch of my friends were playing and I felt left out. The game is actually pretty neat, feels nice to kick back and play using my 360 controller. I managed to miss two out of the three friends playing since it took me awhile to download, but I'll play with them tomorrow. I also played a random game of DoTA 2 with a few clan mates because... I really don't know. Still don't know much of what I'm doing in that one, and I still don't really like it, but friends play it, so I guess I should learn :/

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