Saturday, 27 April 2013

New Video! Adventures in Gaming: War Thunder

After about a month and a half of not getting around to it, I present to you... ADVENTURES! IN! GAMING! Waaaar Thundeeeeeeer!

Yeah, I've had the footage for about 6 weeks, but never got around to finishing my editing. But I did! For you! Hope you enjoy!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Personal Log, Earthdate 2013-4-26

School is over! Rejoice! Rejoice!

So yeah, I finished school today, which means more blog posts, and more videos. This weekend I'll be working on going through footage that's been sitting on my computer for awhile now. This includes War Thunder, Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, and reuploading Tomb Raider Part 4. Once that's all done, I'll get back into uploading and recording more Tomb Raider. Should I manage to get all the way through and finally finish an LP, I'll be going back to BioShock. BioShock Infinite was awesome, and I'd like to see what the original has to offer as I go on.

As far as the blog goes, I have at least two topics I'm planning to talk about, and still have to finish Sly Cooper so I can try to write a review of it. Also have to finish my Tomb Raider one at some point. So yeah, stay tuned readers!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Personal Log, Earthdate 2013-4-15

Sorry for the lack of posts. It's the last two weeks of school, and it feels like I've got a lot left to do. What time I spend outside of project work is being put into League of Legends and Guild Wars 2. Just wanted to throw that out there, for anyone who follows the blog and not Twitter or anything else. That's also why there haven't been any new videos for awhile - they're a pretty big time sink to edit, and I just don't have that time right now. Come May, I'll have a lot more time on my hands for stuff like blog posts and videos. Until then, I'm gonna plug some awesome videos from people NOT me!

First up: Smooth McGroove's "Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage Acapella" video. Found this guy awhile ago because of Zelda music and... well, even songs I've never heard before are freakin' awesome thanks to this guy and his amazing hair. Go watch his stuff, it's good.

Next up, we have a video from friend and clan mate Goldfishboy! He plays with fellow clan mates King, Ortick and Monkeymedic and... well, "play" may not be the operative term for what follows. It's L4D2 though, and it doesn't go well, which is always good for a laugh.

And finally not one, but two videos from my good friend BrownSound, all a part of my clan's Playtogether night in Halo 4 this last weekend. FEAR THE BROHOG!

And I hope that's enough to tide you all over for a bit. If you want at least some stuff, feel free to follow me on Twitter. At the very least, you might catch a glimpse of my progress on my school projects.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Random Pondering! Redesigned Superheroines With More Clothes

Earlier today I was linked a story on Screw Attack that had a gallery of images that showed off outfit designs from a "Michael Lee Lunsford" of various superheroines with more clothing. Y'know, things like pants. Shocking, right? Anyway, here's that link.

But since I thought they were interesting, I figured I'd talk about 'em a bit. Note that I am NOT a huge comic book reader and don't keep up on all of these characters. I do know pretty much all the ones that everyone sees, and a few niche ones here and there. Don't jump down my throat if I make an error or whatever, thanks.

New Purchase! Age of Empires II HD

Just thought I'd let everyone know I picked up Age of Empires II HD off Steam just now, so I'll be checking that out. FYI, if you buy it now, you get it for $2 off ($17.99 instead of $19.99) and immediate access. If you're gonna get it eventually, might as well make it now.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Related Video! Messing Around in Dirt 3

}SoC{BrownSound uploaded his own }SoC{ Dirt 3 video today, which provides an alternate view on one or two parts of my video, as well as some footage from later that day which I did not capture. Sadly, his sweet 180 reverse through the storage container is not present.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

New Video! Adventures in Gaming Episode 2: Dirt 3

Myself and a few friends from }SoC{ play Dirt 3's more interesting multiplayer modes and have tons of fun and close calls.

Random Pondering! Are Doctor Who's Companion Introductions Getting Worse?

Random Pondering is where I think about something for awhile until I decide it's worth writing about. I might not come to a real conclusion on anything I'm thinking about, but I feel like sharing my thoughts. Tonight I decided to share my thoughts on how the new series of Doctor Who has been handling Companion Introductions. There will be some spoilers if you're not completely caught up on the series, so I'd turn away if that's the case.